what we call the beginning is often the end.

What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from. -T.S. Eliot

We leave Friday. This has been something Nich and I have been planning for this week since April when we signed our contracts and made the final decision that we would be in China for a year. It feels like we have been “going to China” for such a long time now that I am really quite ready to say it and actually feel it. It’s exciting and I am looking forward to all the new adventures that Nich and I will have. I am even exciting for some of the things that will be hard. It’s hard to really understand the excitement I have to be in China for a year, but at the same time I will miss my family and friends quite a lot. I am sad that there are so many lasts (for awhile, not forever). For example, I just said goodbye to my sister and her boyfriend for the last time until February. There have been a number of other lasts, like the last time I went to Tempe, last time I see my grandmas, last family event, last you name it. I am pretty sad for all the goodbyes and lasts, but this is the end of my time in Tucson, which marks the beginning of my adventures in China. T.S. Eliot must have gone through the same thing, although I am fairly certain he never lived in Tucson, so he probably doesn’t understand leaving such a beautiful place with great weather for a new adventure!


Anyway, the point is Nich and I leave on Friday! So real blogging starts Friday!


On a side note, I saw this little video the other day and realized to be an amazing person, which is something I strive for, I must travel more and see the rest of the world (or most of it)! Watch it and then come visit us in China!

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